Debugging webdriverio tests with VSCode

^ Update - check out my video walkthrough where I follow along with the post and show you how I set it up.

^ EDIT 10/2019 – I’ve published a new video to my Youtube Channel where I debug a test and show you how to use browser.debug() alongside the VS Code Debugger. Check it out!

Am I using the correct selector? Which element is it actually clicking on? Debugging tests with webdriverio can get frustrating when you’re trying to figure out why your test is sometimes clicking the wrong elements or just plain not working. There’s 3 things that can help you drill down:

I searched and had found this post of getting webdriverio tests running inside of vscode to help me step through a test file line by line. That post is using an older version of node, and newer versions of node (v8.11.x+) throw an error like below:

node --debug=

(node:29011) [DEP0062] DeprecationWarning: `node --debug` and `node --debug-brk` are invalid. Please use `node --inspect` or `node --inspect-brk` instead.

There's 2 parts to get this to work with newer versions of node: VSCode configuration and webdriverio configuration

VSCode configuration

See here for creating a VSCode Launch Configuration. Adding this file will allow you to run the VSCode debugger and step your code line by line.

Heres a working .vscode/launch.json file that you can use and adapt to fit your needs

  "type": "node",
  "request": "launch",
  "name": "Run in debug",
  "port": 5859,
  "timeout": 60000,
  "runtimeExecutable": "${workspaceRoot}/node_modules/.bin/wdio",
  "cwd": "${workspaceRoot}",
  "console": "integratedTerminal",
  "args": [
      "--spec", "main.js"
  // "--spec main.js" will be passed to your executable as
  // "wdio '--spec main.js'" (which isn't what you want)
  "env": {
      "DEBUG": "1" 
      // use an environment variable to be able
      // to toggle debug mode on and off

This configuration will run your runtimeExecutable and by defining the "port" variable, it will attempt a connection to port 5859. Once that connection is successfully made, you'll be able to set breakpoints and step through your test.

webdriverio configuration

On the webdriverio side, we need to tell it to listen for connections from a debugger on port 5859.

In your wdio.conf.js file:

exports.config = {
  debug: true,
  execArgv: ['--inspect-brk=],

  // other wdio configuration
  specs: ['some/specs/here'],
  suites: {

This snippet will start webdriverio and start listening for connections from a debugger on (which you did in your VSCode configuration). The program will stop at this point to wait for a debugger to connect, and if nothing connects, the command will fail.

Once you run it successfully, you should see this type of output

/Users/dperez/workspace/wdio/node_modules/.bin/wdio "--spec" "main.js"

Debugger listening on ws://
Debugger attached.

You'll see the program pause at this point until a connection is made. If you never see "Debugger attached", it means VSCode has not connected to your program, and so you can't set breakpoints and debug.

If you run this as part of your CI process (Gitlab/Jenkins), you can make debug mode configurable. You can use env vars in your .vscode/launch.json configuration.

"console": "integratedTerminal",
"env": {
  "DEBUG": 1

This will run your program with that env var set by using:

DEBUG=1 /Users/dperez/workspace/wdio/node_modules/.bin/wdio "--spec" "main.js"

Then in your wdio.conf.js file:

exports.config = {
  debug: process.env.DEBUG === '1',
  execArgv: process.env.DEBUG === '1' ? ['--inspect-brk='] : []
  // remaining wdio options

This way, the program will only wait to attach to the debugger when you run it inside of VSCode (where the environment variable is set), and everywhere else it will run normally without it.

Wrapping up

Add these snippets to your configuration if you need to step through your program and watch how the program is executing. It sure beats writing tons of console.logs all over your code.

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